1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die

Category: Books,Humor & Entertainment,Movies

1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die Details


I have been a movie lover since I was a little kid. I used to go to movies alone in Chicago when I was 11 years old. At that time the theaters would show two movies and numerous cartoons. Now you see one movie and twenty minutes of previews of coming attractions now known as trailers. When I saw this book (1001 Movies you must see before you die by Steven Jay Schneider and updated by Jan Haydn Smith) on Amazon for a bargain price I immediately purchased it.This giant 960 page hardcover book is amazing and this short review cannot do it justice. This highly informative and enjoyable to read book is a movie lover’s dream. Even though this is the kind of book you can open to any page and enjoy the book; however, I have always been the type of book reader who always begins reading a book from the front first page to the last. Further I also always read the preface and introduction parts of the book.This fantastic book is organized by year. There is a film index and checklist in the beginning portion of this volume. Movies that came out from 1900 up to 2011 are covered in this book. Each page gives a brief overview of the movie and why it is a must see film. There are so many great films in this collection that it would be impossible to list all of them. I was surprised at how many I had already seen. There were even a few of the silent films that I had seen in the past being a lifelong movie buff. One of the things I was surprised at was out of 1001 must see movies; Cyrano De Bererac starring Jose Ferrer was not mentioned. I know there were many movie versions over the years, but the 1930 film is certainly a classic. I am also disappointed that the movie “The Adventures of Don Juan” starring Errol Flynn in 1948 was also not on this must see movie list.Once I began reading this book, it was hard to put down. I had already read half of this volume before I had to rest. If you are a movie buff you should check out this giant book. I am sure it is probably updated every few years. This one only goes up to movies made in 2011; nevertheless, it is still a fantastic read.Rating: 5 Stars. Joseph J. Truncale (Author: The Samurai Soul: An old warrior’s poetic tribute).

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