Hans Holbein the Younger: 120+ Renaissance Paintings
Category: Kindle Store,Kindle eBooks,Arts & Photography
Hans Holbein the Younger: 120+ Renaissance Paintings Details
HANS HOLBEIN THE YOUNGER Art Book contains 120+ Renaissance Reproductions of portraits and biblical scenes with title,date and interesting facts page below. Book includes Table of Contents, thumbnail gallery and is formatted for all Kindle readers and Tablets (use rotate and/or zoom feature on landscape/horizontal images for optimal viewing).BORN: c 1497 in Augsburg, Germany.DIED: October-November 1543 in London, England.MOVEMENT: Northern RenaissanceINTERESTING FACTS:§ Holbein is the son of Hans Holbein the Elder and brother of Ambrosius Holbein, both were painters.§ He did a series of woodcuts for the German translation of the Bible by Martin Luther.§ Holbein went to England with a letter of introduction from Erasmus, one of his first commissions. There he gained great success.§ He established himself as court painter to Henry VIII of England.NOTABLE WORKS:King Henry VIII of England, Portrait of Jane Seymour, Portrait of Bonifacius Amerbach.
Holbein the Younger, who was dead by the age of forty, was one of the greatest masters of portraiture to have every lived. A master of line, he is not only good, but mysteriously good; someone capable of giving a nuanced likeness of often expressive human faces with little more than an outline and some accurately-drawn features in the right places--one of those artists whose style makes you think, "Hey, why can't *I* do that?!"This book provides a massive collection of his work for you to figure out how he did what he did and without a collection this large, it becomes easy to see the commonalities shared by all his work. You just have to look for them.I love the thing.