Measure for Measure In Plain and Simple English (A Modern Translation and the Original Version) (Classics Retold Book 17)

Category: Kindle Store,Kindle eBooks,Literature & Fiction

Measure for Measure In Plain and Simple English (A Modern Translation and the Original Version) (Classics Retold Book 17) Details

Mercy, justice and truth and their relationship to pride and humility--sound like the themes of a John Grisham novel? Not exactly. But wouldn't it be nice if Shakespeare could be as easy to read as a Grisham novel? Now it can with this modern retelling.If you have struggled in the past reading Shakespeare, then we can help you out. Our books and apps have been used and trusted by millions of students worldwide.Plain and Simple English books, let you see both the original and the modern text (modern text is underneath in italics)--so you can enjoy Shakespeare, but have help if you get stuck on a passage.


WRITTEN BY AN ENGLISH PHD STUDENT. For the most part I've been disappointed . . . but there was nothing else I could do in the situation. Let's start with the good first:PRO: IT DOES WHAT IT PROMISES . . . PROVIDES AN EASIER READING EXPERIENCE OF SHAKESPEARE. No complaints on the modernization of the language. Their "Plain and Simple English" delivers.PRO: ONE OF A KIND. There's nothing out there like it (at least for now), so it's nice to have something available on the market that helps make Shakespeare a little more user-friendly.Now for the downsides . . .CON: DOES NOT INCLUDE LINE NUMBERS. This makes it really hard to find your place. Everything's divided into acts and scenes as in any Shakespeare publication, but the lack of line-numbering makes it really hard to follow along in class or to cite the play in a research paper. If you want to read Measure for Measure casually, this will probably work. If you're a student or researcher, you're going to find this edition difficult to navigate.CON: PAGES ARE TOO BIG. The pages are standard 8.5 x 11 inches. It looks nice on the inside and it's easy to read, but it does look like this small-publisher typed it up on a Word document and then printed it from an office printer. I doubt that's actually the case, but a larger publisher would make the pages more book-standard. As a result this edition is more difficult to hold (though it is very light and fits nice into a book bag).CON: INTERLINEATION OF ELIZABETHAN AND MODERN TEXT IS DIFFICULT TO READ. While the font and font size, etc., are all in order, the fact that the modernized language is put right below the original text gives you double-vision. Sure, the modernized language is italicized, but that seems to make it even less eye-friendly. The flow of the text is also interrupted, making for a less-than-smooth reading experience.And finally . . .CONCLUSION: Like I said, this is the best so far on the Amazon marketplace. But you're best reading the play in another, more professional text and finding modernized language or summaries somewhere on the web to supplement your reading.

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